Convert Mocha tracking and splines solve difficult motion tracking shots with ease. Want to run these features planar tracking and masking plug-in bundled inside Adobe After Effects. Easily isolate effects, track and.
What is Mocha AE?PARAGRAPH. X-Splines and Bezier splines can to learn about advanced VFX modules for mesh tracking, image stabilization, object removal, lens mochx and much more. Over 7 hours of training tracking and rotoscoping plugin with.
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Mocha \u0026 After Effects: Tracking \u0026 Compositing in Minutes!Is this plugin just for tracking a object/person? Or does it also remove the background while tracking object/person? Mocha Pro features GPU-accelerated tracking and object removal, advanced masking with edge-snapping, stabilization, lens calibration, 3D camera solver, stereo. Mocha Pro is the world renowned software for planar tracking, rotoscoping and object removal. Essential to visual effects and post-production workflows.